Nut Aware Policy

Tree Nut/Peanut Aware Policy

Quest Academy is a “Tree Nut/Peanut Aware” School

Quest Academy is making an effort to create an environment that is “Tree Nut/Peanut Aware,” and therefore as safe as possible for children with life-threatening Tree Nut/peanut allergies. To that end, our goal is to give children with life-threatening tree nut/peanut allergies a chance to feel comfortable and to give them the opportunity to be a part of and not excluded from special prizes, food, and parties within the school setting.  Procedures include making sure teachers, students, parents, administrators and any other people affiliated with the school have the information and support needed to ensure that a tree nut/peanut free environment is maintained.  Even with every effort being made, please be aware, however, that Quest Academy cannot guarantee that items brought into the school have been prepared in a nut-free facility. Therefore, parents should educate and guide their children about eating any shared food.

Quest Academy is making an effort to create an environment that is “Tree Nut/Peanut Aware” and therefore as safe as possible for children with life-threatening Tree Nut/peanut allergies.  Procedures include making sure teachers, students, parents, administrators and any other people affiliated with the school have the information and support needed to ensure that a tree nut/peanut free environment is maintained.


  1. No student, in any grade, should bring any food containing nuts into the school.
  2. All food items brought to school for birthdays or parties with the intent to share among classmates must be store-bought. Ingredient labels must not have tree nut or peanut references.  (See guidelines for tree nut/Peanut Free labeling.)
  3. For the most part, students will be asked to provide their own lunches for field trips.  However, on field trips where a food vendor will provide food, teachers will make appropriate arrangements with the food vendors.
  4. The school lunch program vendor has and will continue to assure Quest Academy that nothing will be provided to the school that includes or has been prepared with any type of tree nut or peanut product.
  5. Outside vendors will be reminded that tree nut and peanut products must not be brought into the school.
  6.  A tree nut/peanut free table will be available in the lunchroom for students with allergies and any students wishing to join them who do not have tree nut or peanut products in their lunches.

Educating Staff, Parents and Children on Tree Nut/Peanut Allergies

  1. Staff members will be given a list of all students with life-threatening allergies.   Allergy action plans completed by parents for these students are posted in the lunchroom, P.E. office, staff lounge, and in a binder at the front desk.
  2. Parents will be informed of the “Tree Nut/Peanut Aware” policy and encouraged through the Parent/Student Handbook to refrain from bringing food containing tree nuts/peanuts or providing any treats including tree nuts or peanuts that are to be shared with others. Classroom letters may also be distributed to families to make them aware of a student in their child’s classroom who has life-threatening allergies.  Please see the Snack Policy above.
  3.  Staff will be trained annually to notice symptoms of anaphylaxis and the proper utilization of Epi-pens.
  4. Substitute teachers will be informed of the “Tree Nut/Peanut Aware” policy within the school by the teacher who is absent. This is to be included within the sub lesson plan. The absent teacher will also provide the emergency plan (allergy action plan) for any students who have life-threatening allergies that the substitute may be in contact with that day.


  1.  Home-prepared items will not be allowed for birthday treats or other classroom parties. Parents may choose to provide store-bought, pre-packaged items that meet the Tree Nut/Peanut Free Guidelines. Purchased products must include the ingredient list on the package and be checked at the front desk.  (See suggestions attached).
  1.  Homemade items may be prepared only for curricular-based events (i.e. Taste of Chicago, Renaissance Faire, Pioneer Days, etc.).  These items must include a list of ingredients and be approved at the front desk. Home-prepared items may be brought in for these special curricular-based events understanding that families will make every effort to avoid cross-contamination at home with nut or peanut products and that a list of ingredients will be sent in along with the food item.
  1.  A staff member will double-check the list of ingredients and return any item that clearly includes tree nut/peanut products or that clearly states that the item was produced on equipment that also processes peanuts and tree nuts or in a facility that produces products including tree nuts or peanuts.
  1. During regular snack/lunch times, students will be offered a tree nut/peanut free snack/lunch in lieu of snacks brought containing nuts. The first snack/lunch will be charged to Quest Academy, any subsequent snacks/lunches will be charged to the family.

Note: Ethnic restaurants (e.g., Chinese, African, Indian, Thai and Vietnamese), ice cream parlors, bakeries and donut chains (Dunkin’ Donuts, Spunky Dunkers) are considered high-risk for people with tree nut allergy due to the common use of nuts and the possibility of cross-contact, even if you order a tree-nut-free item.  Unless we have a guarantee from these establishments, items purchased from them will not be allowed.

Food items brought in for parent-only functions (i.e. PSA meetings) should not include any nuts, and any area where food was present should be cleaned thoroughly. This procedure will ensure that nothing will be left behind that may come in contact with a student that has allergies.