The Lemur News! Week of Aug. 24 – Aug. 26

Mrs. Kirsh, Mrs. Swanson and I have had fun this week getting to know all of the students in the Lemur class this year!  We spent a lot of time learning classroom rules and our busy schedule.  The Lemurs are adapting quickly and learning all the procedures that help to make our class run smoothly.  They are also learning classroom rules and procedures for all of their Special classes!  This week we had Music, PE, Library, Spanish  and Drama.  Next week we will also have Art and Science (with Mr. Oremland!)  Please check out the Specials websites to read about what fun things are happening in those classrooms.  Be sure to check your child’s backpack for the red Friday folder!  Please return the empty folder on Monday.

A  Few Things:
  • Library Books – We have Library on Thursdays…please check your child’s backpack on that day for a library book.  You may keep the book for one week.  Please return the book to school by the following Thursday.  There is a green and white bag in the Pre-K Hallway with a sign “Library Books Here”
  • Homework – In your child’s red folder you will find a piece of construction paper with some homework instructions.  (I do not normally give homework, just an occasional home project like this)  Please help your child to decorate the construction paper with photos of family, friends, favorite things, drawings, stickers, etc.  We will laminate the paper and your child will use this everyday as a snack mat.  Please return by next Friday, Sept. 2.
  • Show and Share – Also in your child’s red folder you will find a Show & Share calendar.  The teachers had Show and Share this week and the children are all very excited to have their Show and Share day.  It is an important part of our curriculum when we learn presentation and discussion skills.  Please make note of the days that your child has Show and Share.  It can be very disappointing if someone forgets their day!  Let me know if you have any questions!
Small Group Treehouse Activities This Week (Every day we get into 3 groups of 7 students and rotate activities with each teacher)
Wednesday – No Groups – School Assembly
Reading – ABC Review: We reviewed letter recognition by pulling letter cubes from a bag and naming the letter.  The group worked together to find all of the letters in the alphabet.
Math – Measurement Intro: Each student in the group was given a length of paper.  They need to line up their papers to find the person who had the same length of paper.
Science: Using a felt board and plastic animals, I told my group the story of how the island of Madagascar was formed and how the lemurs drifted over to the island from Africa a long time ago.
Game Day: Memory GameEvery Friday Mrs. Kirsh, our game expert, will introduce students to a new board game.  This week she taught them a fun memory game called Freezer Flip Pops.
Science: Elephant Toothpaste: Usually on Fridays we will also have a science experiment or cooking activity.  This Friday Mrs. Swanson and her group made up a giant batch of elephant toothpaste.  By mixing peroxide, soap, blue food coloring, and yeast, we had an explosive reaction resulting in a vat of foamy blue toothpaste!  The Lemurs then used their science skills to reflect and document what we did and what happened.
Art: Lemur Book – We learned some attributes of different types of Lemurs that live on Madagascar.  We began work on a Lemur Book project.  The first lemur we added was a ring tailed lemur.  Students learned how to draw shapes and add details to draw this lemur for their book.


Have a great weekend!